Intro to Swift development with UIKit
"Intro to Swift development with UIKit" is a 5-day training designed to teach one how to create iPhone and iPad apps using the UIKit framework. It starts with introduction to the Swift programming language, including things like Swift syntax, logic, structures, functions and patterns. On the UIKit side of things the material covers Xcode and Interface Builder environment. Additionally, as a significant advantage over other training offerings available in the market, attendees will be introduced to accessibility topics like VoiceOver – a feature designed for blind and partially sighted users.
- Learning basic Swift programming language syntax
- Getting acquainted with Xcode IDE
- Exploring the process of creating simple iPhone and iPad apps using UIKit and storyboards
- Familiarizing oneself with accessibility technologies and providing support for them in one's apps
- Software developers
- Software architects
- Technology consultants
- Basic computer programming concepts (variables, logic, loops, functions, classes) familiarity
Course outline
- Basic data types
- Conditional instructions
- Functions
- Structures and classes
- Optional types
- Collections and loops
- Enums
- Protocols
- Closures
- Extensions
- Basic controls
- Interface Builder
- Auto Layout and Stack Views
- Storyboards and navigation
- Table Views
- Network communication
- Data persistence
- Accessibility features
- App distribution
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